Gangster Squad is an upcoming crime film directed by Ruben Fleischer,from a screenplay written by Will Beall, starring Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Nick Nolte, Emma Stone, and Sean Penn.It is the story of LAPD Detectives who are attempting to keep Los Angeles free of gangsters during the 1940s and '50s. The film was originally set to be released September 7, 2012,but in the wake of the 2012 Aurora shooting, the film was bumped to a January 11, 2013 release date by Warner Bros. Pictures.The first trailer for Gangster Squad was released on May 9, 2012.In the wake of the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, the trailer was pulled from running before films and airing on television, and removed from Apple's trailer site and YouTube due to a scene in which characters shoot submachine guns at moviegoers through the screen of Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
Gangster Squad 2013-Free HD Movie Downloads
Directed by : Ruben Fleischer
Produced by : Dan Lin,Kevin McCormick,Michael Tadross
Screenplay by : Will Beall
Based on : Tales from the Gangster Squad by Paul Lieberman
Starring : Josh Brolin,Ryan Gosling,Nick Nolte,Emma Stone,Sean Penn,Anthony
Mackie,Giovanni Ribisi,Michael Peña
Robert Patrick
Music by : Steve Jablonsky
Cinematography : Dion Beebe
Studio : Village Roadshow Pictures
Distributed by : Warner Bros. Pictures
Release date(s) : January 11, 2013
Running time : 113 minutes
Country : United States
Language : English
Budget : $75 million
Storyline :
The first trailer for Gangster Squad was released on May 9, 2012.In the wake of the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado on July 20, the trailer was pulled from running before films and airing on television, and removed from Apple's trailer site and YouTube due to a scene in which characters shoot submachine guns at moviegoers through the screen of Grauman's Chinese Theatre.It was later reported that the theater scene from the film will be either removed or placed in a different setting, since it is a crucial part of the film, and the film will undergo additional re-shoots of several scenes to accommodate these changes, which would result in the release of Gangster Squad to be moved back to a later date.
It was later reported that the theater scene from the film will be either removed or placed in a different setting, since it is a crucial part of the film, and the film will undergo additional re-shoots of several scenes to accommodate these changes, which would result in the release of Gangster Squad to be moved back to a later date.About a week after the shootings in Aurora, Warner officially confirmed that the film will be released on January 11, 2013, bumped from the original September 7, 2012 release date.However, they still have not commented on whether the film will be released unedited or undergo a re-cut/re-shoot of the scene.